
Server Warehouse is an online shop, there is no physical store customers can visit. We try our best to show the product with the best picture we could provide. Many of the products we list have more in depth details available from the manufacturers website. Should you need extra information please contact us.

Every product has a section where you can write a review of the specific product and also give it a rating. To prevent spam only registered users can give a review. Reviews will be approved by store admin before it is published.

We try and keep stock levels of products up to date provided we get stock feeds from our suppliers. We will backorder a product if it became out of stock at the time of order. We will also communicate an ETA with you.

We have two options for you to purchase, one as a guest or as a registered client. Both need the same information but the guest will not have a profile or history of purchases. A registered client will have a personal profile with a history of purchases and saved addresses.

You are welcome to contact us at support.sw[at]server-warehouse.co.za (any other emails not pertaining to an order support will be discarded without any notification to you).